Meng Qian, vice mayor of Xiamen, and his delegation visited babaodan traditional Chinese medicine culture museum for investigation
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="" title="/uploads/image/2021/12/10/429413/9-1.png" alt="9-1.png"/></p><p style="text-indent: 2em;">On August 18, Meng Qian, vice mayor of Xiamen, who is investigating the cultural industry in Xiamen port area, and his delegation came to babaodan traditional Chinese medicine culture museum.</p><p style="text-indent: 2em;">While listening to the relevant introduction, vice mayor Meng Qian carefully visited the six exhibition areas in the museum. Subsequently, he put forward opinions on the layout of cultural industry in Xiamen Hong Kong area, including babaodan traditional Chinese medicine cultural museum, pointing out that it is necessary to fully tap the cultural accumulation of the old urban area and take traditional Chinese medicine culture as a part of the overall planning content. He hoped that the construction and upgrading of babaodan traditional Chinese medicine cultural museum would further enrich the cultural industry of Xiamen Hong Kong and enhance the image of Xiamen Hong Kong area.<br/></p><p style="text-indent: 2em;">Recently, Wu Yaru, director of science, education, health and Sports Committee of Municipal Association, Wu Bin, director of traditional Chinese medicine science and Education Department of Municipal Health Committee, and his party visited babaodan traditional Chinese medicine culture museum for investigation and guidance. Director Wu Yaru fully affirmed the role of babaodan traditional Chinese medicine cultural museum in displaying and disseminating the local traditional Chinese medicine culture of Fujian Province and Xiamen, and put forward suggestions on solving the difficulties and problems encountered in the development of the cultural museum since its opening and in the future. Director Wu Bin said that the cultural center should fully rely on the historical inheritance and brand advantages of Chinese patent medicine enterprises in Xiamen, make use of the exhibition platform of the cultural center, fully publicize and popularize the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, and create a social atmosphere of "believing in traditional Chinese medicine, loving traditional Chinese medicine and using traditional Chinese medicine".<br/></p><p><br/></p>
Edp-23 business students from the school of management of Xiamen University came to visit the company for exchange
On the afternoon of September 5, a group of 13 edp-23 business teachers and students from the school of management of Xiamen University came to the company to visit and exchange.